As mentioned in Pedersen's Public Safety Report, Pedersen has prior misdemeanor convictions. These stem predominantly from Pedersen's abundant history of speeding and traffic violations, for a total of 8 tickets since 2013, with 5 tickets occurring since 2019. Despite charges, fees, warrants, and pleas in abeyance, Pedersen continues to show reckless disregard for the lives of others.
On November 11, 2022, 9 days prior to the homicide, Pedersen was charged with a Class B Midemeanor for Reckless Driving for driving 122 mph in an 80-mph zone in Millard County. That case is currently pending. The following are the case documents for Pedersen's numerous traffic violations:
3/2/2013 Hurricane (Speeding Class C Misdemeanor)
6/4/2013 Iron county (Speeding Class C Misdemeanor
9/23/2013 Juab county (Speeding Class C Misdemeanor, Failure to Appear Class B, Warrant)
12/2/2019 St George (Handheld device Class C Misdemeanor, plea in abeyance)
7/22/2020 Apple Valley (Speeding/Expired Registration Infraction, plea in abeyance)
6/16/2021 Hurricane (Speeding Infraction)
6/25/2021 Millard county (Speeding, Warrant)
11/11/2022 Millard county (Reckless Driving Class B Misdemeanor)
Case history
Initial case filing
Statement of upgraded charge to reckless driving
Amended filing
Hearing 4/10/2023, pled guilty, fined $690.00
3/1/2014 Olsen v Pedersen, Maynard Wronful Death/Negligence Civil Case
Case Status | Case Summary | Court Hearings | Testimony | Dustin James Pedersen | Case Discovery | Nichole Family Statement | News Coverage | Pedersen Letters of Support | Olsen v Pedersen, Maynard