On March 1, 2024, the Olsen family filed a civil lawsuit against Pedersen and Maynard for wrongful death and negligence.  This is case 240901812 in the third district court of Salt Lake City. See KSL article.

In its complaint and amended complaint, Olsen alleges that while in the Exchange Nightclub, Pedersen assaulted Nichole's friend by inappropriately grabbing her, and that as a result, both Pedersen and Maynard were removed from the nightclub by the bouncers. The complaint further alleges that Pedersen shot Nichole while she attempted to intervene when Maynard was in an altercation with her friend. Pedersen filed his answers to the lawsuit on 4/5/2024 and on 7/9/2024, in which he alleges that he was justified in killing Nichole and that Nichole caused him a traumatic brain injury.

Additionally, Pedersen asked the court to stay the civil case pending the criminal case in April 2024.  The Olsen family opposed the motion to stay. The court has yet to rule on the matter.


Case Status  |  Case Summary    |  Court Hearings    |  Testimony   |  Dustin James Pedersen   |  Case Discovery     |   Nichole Family Statement    |   News Coverage    |   Other Pederson Court Cases    |   Pedersen Letters of Support